Corporate / Institutional Training


CSO (2) Coaching Skills for Resonant Leaders: Bringing Out the Best in Others


Are you an inspirational leader who encourages positive growth, change, and healthy work relationships?

What if you were to let go of the "traditional" notion of leadership - command and control - instead empower, lead with emotional intelligence, ask more questions than give answers.  In the Coaching Skills for Resonant Leaders workshop, we will examine the qualities of an effective Leader Coach, as well a the mindset needed to lead others.

Key Content and Learning Outcomes

    . promote a corporate culture that embraces a coaching mindset
    . a coaching mindset in order to stimulate high performance, enhance personal growth, 
and actualize potential
    . awareness of leadership style and how it impacts the work climate
    . recognize the importance of being inclusive by being an authentic leader
    . enhance leadership skills in areas reflecting higher levels of emotional and social intelligence
    . reflect on your personality type and how it ameliorates or impedes the workplace
    . awareness of your own conflict style and how it impacts others
    . create solutions through Appreciative Inquiry
    . develop Appreciative Inquiry questions aimed at discovering what is going well and why
    . examine how biases and perception influence decision-making
    . examine goals that energize, motivate, and unleash talent

This workshop will help participants become comfortable with coaching conversations.  Further, through an experiential approach, "learning by doing", as well as practice scenarios and case studies, participants will feel inspired and see the value of allocating time to coaching.

Seven principles of coaching will be covered -
Self-awareness, Self-Belief, Solution Focus, Challenge, Action, Trust, Communication

Coach Approach to Leadership will also include -
Empowering Others for Reflection, Building Rapport, Focus on People and Task
Generate Ideas and Solutions, Motivate, Balance Need for Learning with Need for Results,
Creating Sustainable Performance

Diagnostic measures will be administered and reviewed with attendees.

Instructional Materials will be provided.